Yoshio IMAMURA - 今村 由男

b. 1948
"Crown Prince" of the Tolman Collection - etching / original painting

Yoshio Imamura is known as the “Crown Prince” of the Tolman Collection. His mastery of all sorts of print techniques, from the simplest ones to others that combine several processes have made him a very popular artist. His Crown Prince title came because he is able to turn out both prints and original works. At an earlier time in our business the high expenses of advertising made it difficult to afford the prices of the advertisements and we soon found that some artist’s works were not expensive enough to afford the price of the ad space in expensive Japan. With artists like Shinoda and Imamura the works were expensive enough to make the ads pay for themselves. Toko Shinoda has been the Queen of The Tolman Collection for almost 40 years, with Imamura close behind her. Since Shinoda san is 106 years old, Imamura says that he knows just how Prince Charles feels.

Yoshio Imamura Biodata PDF

Yoshio IMAMURA - "Crown Prince" of the Tolman Collection - etching / original painting
