Susumu ENDO - 遠藤 享

1933 - 2024

Susumu Endo was born in 1933. He is a leading Japanese graphic designer and printmaker. He introduced digital photography and plate-making technology to printmaking. He pioneered offset printing for printmaking, and since the 1980s, he has been creating new images using computer-generated image composition, transforming natural landscapes into aesthetic images. He has contributed significantly to the establishment of graphic artistic expression. His works have won numerous awards at national and international print exhibitions, are in the collections of the British Museum and other museums in Japan and abroad, and are highly regarded worldwide.

Exhibitions (selected)
1977, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87 Contemporary Art Exhibition of Japan, Tokyo and Kyoto
1980, 82, 84, 86, 88 Japan International Art Exhibition, Tokyo and Kyoto
1981 Japan Art Festival ‘81, Tokyo, Osaka and London
1982, 86 British International Print Biennial, Bradford, England
1982 GRUPA JUNIJ ‘82, Yugoslavia
1982-2002 IBIZA GRAFIC, Spain
1983-99 One-man Exhibition at Isetan Shinjuku, Tokyo (biennially)
1983, 85, 87, 89, 93, 97 GABROVO International Biennial of House of Humour and Satire, Bulgaria
1983, 85, 87, 91 International Biennial of Graphic Art in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
1983-2004 CWAJ Print Show, Tokyo (annually)
1983, 87 Alabama Works on Paper, Auburn, USA
1984 The 5th International Graphic Art Biennial, Bonsecours, Belgium
The Contemporary Japanese Prints, Skopje, Yugoslavia
1984, 87 Inter-Grafik, Berlin, Germany
The 1st CWAJ Traveling Exhibition, Hawaii, Washington, Chicago, New York, Salem
and London / The 2nd Cabo Frio International Print Biennial-Embragel, Cabo Frio,
Brazil / 1985 Japanese Prints Exhibition at the Tochigi Prefectural Museum
1986 Ten Contemporary Japanese Printmakers, Connecticut, USA
1986-2003 International Print Biennial, Crakow, Poland
1987 International Exchange Exhibition of Prints 1987, Seoul, Korea
1988 Ljubljana International Biennial of Graphic Art in Japan, Sakaide, Kawasaki,
1989 One-man Exhibition at the Sao Paulo Art Museum, Brazil
“The Space: Material, Tension, Vacancy in Japanese / Contemporary Art,”Museum of Modern Arts, Saitama1989, 91, 95, 97, 01,04 Bharat Bhavan International Print Biennial, India
1989, 91, 93, 97, 01,03 Varna Print Biennial, Bulgaria
1990 One-man Exhibition at the Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan
“The Silent Dialogue: Still Life in the West and Japan” at the Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art, Shizuoka, Japan
1990, 92 Kohchi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints, Kohchi
INTERPRINT, International Graphic Arts Exhibition, Lviv, Ukraine
1991, 01, 04, 10, 11,15 One-man Exhibition at the Ginza Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo
1991 Two-men Exhibition at the Shibuya Shoto Art Museum, Tokyo
Intergrafia ‘91, Katowice, Poland / Special Exhibition, MATA at the Contemporary Art Museum, Sao Paulo / International Triennial Competition of Print, Osaka 1991
1992, 95 CWAJ Traveling Exhibition, Australia and New Zealand
Norwegian International Print Triennale, Norway
1994 One-man Exhibition at Hyndai Art Gallery, Seoul, KoreaOne-man Exhibition
atGalleVonOertzen, Frankfurt,
1997,02 Egyptian International Print Triennial, National Centre of Fine Arts
1998,03 Asia Print Adventure 1998, Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art
“SPACE” Contemporary Prints, Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, Israel
1998,04 One-man Exhibition at She's Gallery, Asahikawa, Japan
1999 One-man Exhibitions, Sofia Shipka Gallery, Rousse Art Gallery, Gabrovo
House of Humour and Satire, Bulgaria

2000 One-man Exhibitions, Daiwa Foundation Japan House, London
Graphic Art in Japan, State Gallery Banska Bystrica Slovakia / One-man Exhibition at the University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland
2003 Contemporary Bulgarian Prints and Japan, Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan Golden Smile Exhibition, Gabrovo / Bulgaria, invited / The 4th International Graphic Triennial Bitola, Macedonia / International Print Triennial Cracow 2003, Poland / The 14th Lahti Poster Biennial, Finland
2003,08 International Printed Drawing Exhibition, Bangkok
2004 7th International Art Triennial MAJDANEK 2004, Poland / 4th International Print Trennial Sofia, Bulgaria / Agldear International Design Event, lecture in Melbourne, Australia
2005 Exhibition of 8 artists / The Tolman Collection
2006 International Poster Biennial in Warsaw 2006, Poland
2007 On the Cutting Edge of Japanese Contemporary Prints (round in U.S.A.)
2009 International Print Triennial Cracow 2009, Poland
International Triennial Print Exhibition, R.O.C. 2009, Taiwan
2013 International Print Biennial Varna, Bulgaria

2014 International Print Art Trennial Sofia, Bulgaria
One-man Exhibitions, Oriental Design Gallery, Hiroshima
One-man Exhibitions, KITAKARA Gallery, Sapporo
2015 Museum Exhibitions, Rousse Art Gallery, etc.

1980 Special Edition Purchase Award at the World Print Three, San Francisco, USA / Grand-Prix
in the Lithography Category at the Sunshine Grand-Prix Exhibition’80, Tokyo
1981 Purchase Prize, the Gallery of Contemporary Art in Novi Sad, at the 14th / International Biennial of Graphic Art, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
Gunma Prefectural Modern Art Museum Prize at the 14th Japan International Art Exhibition, Japan
1983 Prize for Excellence at the 1983 Graphic Art Grand Prix Exhibition of the Tokyo Central Art Museum, Tokyo / First prize at the 8th NOVUM Calendar Competition, Germany
Purchase Award at the 4th Alabama Works on Paper, Auburn, USA
Third Prize for Satirical Graphic Works at the 6th International Biennial of Humor and Satire in the Arts, Gabrovo, Bulgaria
1984,86 Prize of the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto at the 15/16th Japan Art
Exhibition, Japan
1985 Honor Prize at the 1st Biennial Exhibition of Prints in Wakayama,Japan / First Prize at the 6th Lahti Poster Biennial, Finland / Committee for Culture Prize at the Graphic Works Division of the 7th International Biennial of Humor and Satire in the Arts,
Gabrovo, Bulgaria
1987 Book Design Award at the Kodansha Cultural Publishing Prize, Tokyo
1988 Gold Prize at International Calendar Competition, Germany
1989 Second Prize at the 3rd Biennial Exhibition of Prints in Wakayama, Japan
1990 Purchase Prize of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Tokyo
1991 Grand Prix at the 2nd Bharat Bhavan International Biennial of Prints, India
1992 Third Prize at the IBIZAGRAFIC ’92, Spain / Special Recognition Prize at Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints / Grand-Prix at INTERPRINT LVIV ’92, Ukraine
First Prize for Satirical Graphic Works at the 11th International Biennial of Humor and Satire in the Arts, Gabrovo, Bulgaria / Purchase Prize at Varna Print Biennial ’93, Bulgaria
HBC Prize at the Sapporo International Print Biennial, Japan
1994 The Special Prize at the International Triennial of Graphic Arts in Cracow, Poland
1995 The Honorable Mention at the 11th Norwegian International Print Triennale
2000 The Honorable Mention Award from Salon of the Arts, National Palace of Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
2003 International Printed Drawing Exhibition Purchase Prize, Bangkok

Permanent Collections:
British Museum / United Kingdom
National Museum of Cracow, / National Museum of Warsaw / National Museum of Silesia, Poland
Sao Paulo Art Museum - MASP, / Sao Paulo Contemporary Art / Museum – MAC, Brazil
Ibiza Contemporary Art Museum, Spain
Skopje Contemporary Art Museum / Gallery of Contemporary Art in, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
Bharat Bhavan, Roopankar Art Museum, India
Ukraine Independent Center of Contemporary Art, Ukraine
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia
Museum of Contemporary Graphic Art, Norway
Sofia Shipka Gallery, Rousse Art Gallery / Gabrovo House of Humour and Satire, Bulgaria
Los Angels County Museum of Art, U.S.A.
State Museum at Majdanek, Poland
American Parliamentary Library / The Morikami Museum / The Macedonia Art, U.S.A.
Gallery of the Sector of Fine Art in Cairo, Egypt
Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan / National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto / Gunma Prefectural Modern Art Museum / Wakayama Prefectural Modern Art Museum / Tochigi Prefectural Art Museum / Hokkaido Prefectural Art museum / Yamanashi Prefectural Art Museum / Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art / Shibuya Shoto Art Museum

Susumu ENDO - lithograph
