David Rockefeller and Shinoda Toko / 篠田桃紅とデイヴィッド・ロックフェラー


Toko Shinoda, A long term view


My elder brother, John D. Rockefeller 3rd, and his wife, Blanchette, first introduced my wife, Peggy, and me to the exciting world of contemporary Japanese art in the mid 1950s.  John had become deeply involved in Japanese affairs a few years earlier through his participation in the Dulles Mission, which had paved the way for a new political, economic and cultural partnership between Japan and the United States in the aftermath of World War II.  John had then reactivated the Japan Society in New York and was in the process of sponsoring art exchanges between our two nations.  Blanchette was his enthusiastic partner in all these new endeavors.

Johns' efforts were, in many ways, an outgrowth of the deep respect my parents felt for Asian art.  My mother, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, in particular strongly admired Japanese art, and had assembled during the 1920s and 1930s one of the world's greatest collections of traditional Japanese prints, featuring the work of the great masters, Hiroshige, Hokusai, Harunobu and others.  Mother's holdings of more than 400 Hiroshige bird and flower prints were eventually given to the Rhode Island School of Design, where they can be seen to this day.

The contemporary art that John and Blanchette showed us in the mid 1950s was a very different art than the art he and I and our siblings had grown up with.  The art of Toko Shinoda was particularly striking.  I was reminded, even at the time I first encountered it at Betty Parson's Gallery, almost 40 years ago, of the work of some members of the New York School of Abstract Expressionism.  But, her art had a distinctiveness and power of its own, and was in no way derivative.

I grew to admire Shinoda immensely, especially the way in which she balanced simplicity and strength in her art.  When I began traveling to Japan on a regular basis in the 1980s, I renewed my acquaintance with her work at the Tolman Collection.  In the years since then, I have acquired many examples of her prints and paintings, which I have displayed in my office and also given as gifts to close friends.  I never tire of looking at Shinoda's wonderful creations and never fail to see something new and different in her wonderful abstractions.

David Rockefeller

New York City

February 13, 2003






時が経つほどに、わたしは桃紅の作品、とくにその簡潔さと強靭さの釣り合いに魅かれて行きます。1980年代に入り日本を定期的に訪れるようになってからは、ザ・トールマン コレクションで桃紅の作品との親交を新たにすることができました。以来、わたしは桃紅の版画と絵画を数多く入手し、オフィスに飾る一方、親しい友人たちへの贈り物にもしています。篠田桃紅の描く素晴らしい作品はいくら見ても見飽きることがありません。その素晴らしい抽象の世界は訪れるたびに、つねになにか新しいもの、前回までとは異なるものを与えてくれるのです。





