The Tolman Collection is temporarily closed. Further information will be announced later.
2020.05.05The Tolman Collection is temporarily closed, but we are welcoming your inquiries. Thank you. 2020年4月9日から5月31日まで東京都の要請に応じ、店舗営業はお休み致します。

The DyEing Art of Kappazuri at The Tolman Collection
2020.03.22Dear patient and wondering clients, "The Times” which is the best way to refer to what we are up against at this moment, call first for flexibility, secondly for imagination, thirdly for patience and if one has ....

David Rockefeller and Shinoda Toko / 篠田桃紅とデイヴィッド・ロックフェラー
2020.03.15Toko Shinoda, A long term view *日本語は英語の後に続きます。 My elder brother, John D. Rockefeller 3rd, and his wife, Blanchette, first introduced my wife, Peggy, and me to the exciting world of contemporary Japanese art in the mid 1950s. John ha ....

Norman Tolman and Shinoda Toko / 篠田 桃紅とノーマントールマン
2020.03.11篠田桃紅(1913生)とトールマン(1936生) ノーマン H.トールマン (Norman H. Tolman)はアメリカ外交官の 職を30代で捨て、1970年代前半に 日本の現代版画を主に海外に紹介(販売)する画商のみちに入った。外交官 ....

2020 Karhu calendar
2019.10.06Calendar (2020): ....

Mr. Tolman is very pleased that his interview with the Almaty news paper.
2019.09.28 *It has been translated from Russian into English. Please have a look at it. Norman Tolman: from Rockefeller to Kazakhstan ....

2019.09.25 2019.10.19 - 11. 28 Venue: Informel Nakagawamura Museum gallery talk: 11/3 1:30pm Contact: 0265-88-2680 世界を駈ける版画家達。 浮世絵から繋がる日本版画は戦後各国で開催されたビエンナーレで棟方 ....

Rediscovered Karhu woodblock
2019.07.07On an unusual time frame I try to keep everyone informed as to what is going on in my gallery and in our various activities in connection with our art business. Often people write to me telling how much they enjoy the news that I relay, keeping them informed as to what an interesting time I am hav ....

Forgotten masterpieces
2019.05.10In our attempt to assist our clients who are slowly building their own collections of Japanese prints, we found that Kyoto always fascinates the foreign community who are searching for some very “Japanesey" art work that will provide depth that other collections may not include. For m ....

Everything You Wanted To Know About Us But Were Afraid To Ask
2019.07.28Who we are In order to keep up with the times we have found an expert to construct a new web site for The Tolman Collection. There are so many facets of our gallery and our way of doing business that we began to worry that we might have taken some things for granted that our clients have not e ....